Technical information
This application was built using Yii 2.0 framework (PHP 7.0), MySQL 5.6, Redis 2.8. Backend includes a bot, that discovers tweets, news, posts, then filters the most popular and stores to the database.
Front-end was built with Bootstrap 3 and jQuery.
Project description
TopChallenge project finds the best and the most interesting technical things on the web.Generally, we focus on the three things:
At first, our team is searching for the latest news about any high-tech-like things: events, gadgets, services, devices, experiments and so on.
At second, we're looking for really cool technical challenges, like "rover challenges", "drone challenges", "robots challenges" etc.
At third, we have a tweet aggregator, which is configured to get the most popular and actual news from the Internet.
Project is working in close beta, will be available soon.